Our Mossley vision:
Our vision is to support children in becoming creative, independent learners and ensure they develop a healthy relationship with technology. This links with our Christian ethos ‘They shall have life, life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10). At our school, we value and recognise the contribution that technology can make for the benefit of all pupils, staff, parents, governors and society.
We strive to ensure that our children receive a high-quality computing education, which equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. We want to increase our pupils knowledge and develop their skills to become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world. We encourage the children to become resilient when using computers and continuously strive to improve their skills.
All children from EYFS through to Year 6 follow the Purple Mash scheme of work. This scheme is in line with the national curriculum and is relevant to the world in which they live. Our computing curriculum is designed to be easy to follow, with logical sequenced steps that will equip all children with the essential skills and knowledge they need to use technology safely and creatively. It has numerous cross circular links with art, mathematics, science and design and technology. When planning we ensure that children can build on their understanding, as each new concept is taught with opportunities for children to consolidate and reapply their skills and knowledge throughout the year.
Here, at our school, we believe safety is paramount. We promote and model a balanced digital life, recognising that amongst the many positives that technology has to offer, risks exist and children need to be taught to manage their digital lives properly. We strive to model and educate our children to use technology creatively, positively, responsibly and safely. Our curriculum supports the key aims of the government’s Internet Safety Strategy (Digital Literacy / UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS) framework) of supporting children to stay safe and make a positive contribution online, as well enabling teachers to develop effective strategies for understanding and handling online risks.
We are lucky to have 70 laptops and an iPad trolley containing 30 iPads to allow all children in each class access to up to date technology. We use our iPads to help support the teaching of basic computer programming and coding aswell as supporting our research skills. EYFS have their own set of iPads and these are incorporated into every day learning in the Early Years curriculum.
We also liaise with our main feeder school, Eaton Bank Academy, to ensure that our children are ‘computing ready’ when they transition to high school whilst giving Key Stage 2 children the opportunity to attend various computing activities at the high school.
In our Computing curriculum the children revisit each objective several times, via different themes helping to ensure the best results are achieved. Our school encourages discussions between staff and pupils to help the children best understand their progress and their next steps. We constantly monitor to ensure the children have learnt the things we’ve taught them and if they are struggling, we can introduce additional support the next time they encounter that objective. Impact is about how we know what you do is making a difference. If children are keeping up with the curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress.
If you would like further information about the computing curriculum at Mossley, please feel free to speak with your child’s class teacher or call the school office on 01260 272451