"They shall have life, life in all its fullness." (John 10:10)


Intent – what do we teach?

“Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems.” (DfE, 2013)

At Mossley, mathematics is fundamental to everyday life and understanding our world. Our mathematics curriculum enables the development of pupils’ natural ability to think logically, reason and solve real life problems. We have ensured our curriculum strategically develops pupils’ ability to calculate fluently, reason with mathematical concepts and solve problems. We aim for all pupils to develop the key mathematical skills required to become mathematically literate, not only ready for the next stage of their learning journey but with the core skills to access mathematics in the wider world.

Implementation – how do we teach?

At Mossley, our mathematics lessons are supported using the White Rose Maths scheme of learning, a resource designed to support the teaching of The National Curriculum, which uses a mastery approach. Each lesson follows a clear structure, which enables children to develop key mathematical knowledge through retrieval, practice and independent application. Maths lessons at Mossley enable children to learn using a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach; we aim for all pupils to understand that mathematical concepts can be shared and explored in a multitude of different ways.

The pupils at Mossley are able to make links to their prior learning and retrieve important mathematical knowledge through their daily use of Flashback Four questions. This repeated practise enables pupils to review previous learning and securing knowledge to their long-term memory. At Mossley, we recognise the importance of developing confidence and fluency of core mathematical knowledge, including both number facts and times tables. We aim for all pupils to become accurate and efficient with their mathematical knowledge in order to fluently apply it to their mathematical learning. Pupils have the opportunity to develop the fluency of their number facts and timestables by utilising Purple Mash and Maths Shed. Our calculation policy outlines the carefully sequenced stages of learning that pupils will progress through as their mathematical knowledge deepens.

The White Rose Maths scheme is clearly sequenced ensuring that new mathematical content is shared using small steps that build upon prior knowledge acquisition. Pupils’ learning is guided throughout modelled examples and pupils are regularly given the opportunity to practise new skills before working independently.

This pursuit for pupils to acquire a “deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding” (NCTEM, 2021) is referred to as Mastery. 

The White Rose Maths scheme prides itself upon its focus upon making mathematics accessible to all through a Mastery approach.

All pupils are provided with frequent opportunities to represent and share their mathematical knowledge in a variety of ways, communicate related ideas, reason and think mathematically so that they can independently apply it within and across new problems. The White Rose Maths scheme is supplemented with additional opportunities for pupils to deepen their understanding and to be challenged to communicate their understanding throughout a range of problem solving activities.

Impact – how do we measure what we teach?

The impact of our Mossley mathematics curriculum is that our pupils will become confident, fluent and enthusiastic mathematicians who can apply their knowledge to mathematics in a range of contexts. The children’s mathematical attainment is assessed each term using the NTS tests offered by Rising Stars and/or practice SATs assessments. This enables us to make summative judgements regarding the pupils understanding. Alongside this, pupils are assessed using formative assessments, both within their daily lessons and through end of unit mini quizzes. Children’s attainment and next steps are reported formally to parents through parents’ evenings and a final end of year report.

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Mossley C.E Primary School

Boundary Lane, Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 3JA

Mrs B Hawtin or Mrs L Knibbs

Tel: 01260 272451Email: office@mossleyce.cheshire.sch.uk

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