The Early Years Foundation Stage at Mossley Primary School
We hope that you find this webpage informative and that it gives you a 'flavour' of our Foundation Stage here at Mossley. Mrs Swift and Mrs Arnold's foundation stage class webpage is also an important source of information.
At Mossley Primary School the Early Years team, in partnership with parents and the wider learning community, strive to deliver a fun, dynamic, relevant and exciting curriculum that enables our children to become motivated and enthusiastic lifelong learners.
Our children experience:
A careful balance of adult-led and child-initiated activities.
Opportunities to learn through active, purposeful play.
Carefully planned opportunuities that reflect the children's interests.
A daily phonics session.
Daily adult-led guided maths and literacy sessions.
All weathers access to an impressive outdoor learning environment, including woodland, where there is a seamless link between indoor and outdoor learning opportunities.
Visitors/visits/special events to enrich their learning experience.
- Stories, rhymes and poems being shared daily in order to develop their love of reading and books
Our families will experience:
A professional, supportive, nurturing and caring team that has your child's learning and development at the forefront of everything that they do.
An 'open door' policy where any concern/worry that you may have about your child is carefully listened to.
Your child making progress that is individual to them across all areas of the EYFS curriculum.
Your child developing their social and communication skills.
Being kept informed about what is happening in the Foundation Stage on a weekly basis and also about your child's progress throughout the year.
An exciting year where your child is eager to learn and enjoys going to school.
Our Curriculum
The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum has seven areas of learning (please see below). We use the Development Matters document (see below) to guide our curriculum and also the Primary Knowledge Curriculum which sets out the knowledge and broad units we cover. Each area of the curriculum is carefully planned for and assessed and children's next steps are considered carefully. The 'Seven Features of Effective Practice' (see below) also help to guide us when making decisions and planning for the children.
The Prime Areas of Learning
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
The Specific Areas of Learning
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
For each area of learning there are a number of different Early Learning Goals which are statements that describe the expectations for most children by the end of the EYFS (please see the document below). We are using the ' FFT: Success for All in Phonics' to support childrens' early reading and writing, why not take a look at the phonics webpage to see what this is all about.
We also ensure that we plan carefully to provide the children with as many opportunities to develop their approaches to learning. These are defined as the children's learning characteristics:
Playing and exploring
Active learning
Creating and thinking critically
Mrs L Swift (Assistant Head, EYFS Lead & Reception Teacher)
Mrs Arnold (Reception Teacher)
EYFS Glossary
Adult-led activity- An activity defined, structured and delivered by an adult to a child or group of children. It focuses on the direct teaching of skillls and knowledge with a specific objective in mind. (EYFS handbook)
Child-initiated activity- An activity wholly decided on by the child, and is the result of an intrinsic motivation to explore a project or express an idea