"They shall have life, life in all its fullness." (John 10:10)


Music Curriculum


Music plays a central role in the curriculum at Mossley CE Primary School. Our intent is that we strive to provide an exciting and varied musical experience for all of our children. We aim to encourage our children to develop a life-long love of music, giving them the opportunities to create, play and perform music through a variety of musical experiences. This not only develops their talent as musicians, but also increases their self-confidence, creativity, builds resilience, encourages collaboration and builds a strong sense of achievement. 


Music teaching at Mossley CE Primary School delivers the requirements of the National Curriculum through the ‘Sparkyard’ scheme of work, an “innovative, skills-based curriculum…where key musical concepts and themes are developed and revisited across the year groups, building on knowledge and understanding at every stage.” (Sparkyard Music Curriculum). Teachers follow the suggested scheme of work which has been adapted, where necessary, to provide the best opportunities for our children.

Whole school singing is highly valued at Mossley. We take pride in singing together and enjoy performing to others. During singing collective worship, which is delivered to each Key Stage fortnightly, the children will develop the following skills and principles based on the Model Music Curriculum:

  • warm ups
  • breathing
  • posture
  • dynamics
  • phrasing
  • context
  • vocal health. 


Children have many opportunities to perform at various points throughout the year, including nativities (EYFS & KS1), Carol Concert (KS2), Harvest, Christingle and Easter services (whole school) and end of year production (Year 6).


Appreciating and discussing a wide range of music is a featured part of our collective worship at school. During our Picture News worship, the children are introduced to a range of Christian songs and performances from around the world, linking to our Christian Values. Each morning, the children listen to a ‘song of the day’ where they have the opportunity to share their views and opinions about each piece of music. These musicians range from different time periods, different genres and different ethnic backgrounds.

Within EYFS, music is an integral part of the children’s learning journey. Children learn a wide range of songs and rhymes and develop skills for performing together. Singing and music making opportunities are used frequently to embed learning, develop musical awareness and to demonstrate how music can be used to express feelings.

Our Year 3 children have the opportunity to learn the violin, benefiting from whole class specialist teaching, delivered by an experienced music teacher, culminating in a performance to parents in the Summer term.

The school choir is open to Year 4 – 6, and they enjoy performing at many different events throughout the year, such as the Congleton Christmas light switch on, local care and residential homes and an annual Remembrance concert at the Town Hall and the Cenotaph.

We have links with music hubs in our local area, and we have enjoyed assemblies delivered by the Love Music Trust and Music for Life, where the children have listened to a range of instruments and even had a go at playing some of them! We also relish the opportunity to make links with other schools within the local area, with various year groups gaining the chance to partake in workshops at our feeder High School.



Our aim is that through the teaching of the music curriculum at Mossley CE Primary School, our children will demonstrate progression and build on their musical skills. We use the suggested assessment tools provided by ‘Sparkyard’ as well as pupil discussions about their learning, including whole school singing (pupil voice). By the end of each key stage, we expect the children to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programme of study, as stated by the National Curriculum. Performances are photographed and videoed, shared and celebrated within the school community; building confidence in the children and giving them a sense of pride in their music, encouraging them to develop their musical skills and knowledge further.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cwr1gLQ0wUg - Year 1 What is Pulse?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4muU1nzoJmA - Year 4 singing in a 3/4 time signature

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ATOLqO0zwE - KS2 - Christmas Choir at Wellspring Church



Files to Download

Ding Dong Merrily on high.mp3 It was on a starry night.mp3 Sparkle and Shine.mp3 03-Knock-Knock-PT_1.mp3 05-Weve-Come-To-See-The-Baby-PT_1.mp3 02-Its-A-Long-Way-To-Bethlehem-PT_1.mp3 04-Child-in-a-manger-born-PT_1.mp3 07-Rejoice-With-Us-PT_1.mp3 01-Midnight-PT_1 - Copy.mp3

Mossley C.E Primary School

Boundary Lane, Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 3JA

Mrs B Hawtin or Mrs L Knibbs

Tel: 01260 272451Email: office@mossleyce.cheshire.sch.uk

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