"They shall have life, life in all its fullness." (John 10:10)



During the Summer term for Maths we will be learning about Fractions, Time, Statistics and Position and Direction as well as reviewing and consolidating learning across the maths curriculum, in particular the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Throughout Maths lessons the children will be provided with the opportunity to reason and explain their understanding and can challenge themselves with problem solving and reasoning questions.

The small steps in the Fractions unit include:

Introduction to parts and whole

Equal and unequal parts

Recognise a half

Find a half

Recognise a quarter

Find a quarter

Recognise a third

Find a third

Find the whole

Unit fractions

Non-unit fractions

Recognise the equivalence of a half and two-quarters

Recognise three-quarters

Find three-quarters

Count in fractions up to a whole

Small steps in the Statistics unit include:

Make tally charts


Block diagrams

Draw pictograms (1-1)

Interpret pictograms (1-1)

Draw pictograms (2, 5 and 10)

Interpret pictograms (2, 5 and 10)

Small steps in the Time unit include:

O'clock and half past

Quarter past and quarter to

Tell time past the hour

Tell time to the hour

Tell the time to 5 minutes

Minutes in an hour Hours in a day

Small steps in the Position and Direction unit include:

Language of position

Describe movement

Describe turns

Describe movement and turns

Shape patterns with turns


Times Tables

In Year 2, we focus on the 2-, 5- and 10-times tables to ensure the children are fully secure on these and can recall these at speed in preparation for KS2. Each week the children will complete various activities to support their understanding and recall of these times tables.

The times tables can be practised at home on Maths shed, Purple Mash, using some of the links below or by watching some of the fun videos attached to this webpage.

Helpful Links:



Image result for maths rockx

This a FANTASTIC app that you can have on your tablet or phone that will help your children to learn their times tables through Rock Music!!!!

Files to Download

Mossley C.E Primary School

Boundary Lane, Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 3JA

Mrs B Hawtin or Mrs L Knibbs

Tel: 01260 272451Email: office@mossleyce.cheshire.sch.uk

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