Here you will find some reading comprehensions that you might like to work on with your child at home. Your child might be confident in reading these texts and answering some of the questions independently and you might then want to discuss these questions and answers together after. Alternatively, you might want to read these together with your child and discuss the questions.
We have also attached a document called 'Reading VIPER Questions' which explains and gives examples of the different types of questions you can ask your child when reading with them at home.
Files to Download
The Princess and the Pea- differentiated.pdf Rainforests- differentiated.pdf The Boy and the Rainbow- differentiated.pdf Knights and Dragons unite- differentiated.pdf Amazing Antarctica- differentiated.pdf Diary of a Mermaid.pdf Missing Unicorn.pdf Fiery Dragon Jelly.pdf Dilly and the Three Monsters.pdf Reading VIPER Questions