"They shall have life, life in all its fullness." (John 10:10)

Our News items

Cross Country Competition, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 9th Nov 2018 @ 11:08am

The children were incredible in the primary schools year 3&4 cross country competition. Their determination was evident and we could not be prouder of their performances. All of the children finished within the first half of the racers. The girls achieved a 1st place, 4th and 7th, the boys achieved a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th against 120 other children!

Year 2 Bakers, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 7th Nov 2018 @ 2:41pm

Year 2 have desiged their own type of bread as part of their Great Fire of London topic. They had great fun deciding which shape they wanted to create along with which filling they were inspired by.

Junior Safety Officers, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 7th Nov 2018 @ 11:11am

Our junior safety officers led a great assembly this morning with a story about how to stay safe online. Please see the link to the story here

Coding Competition, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 8th Nov 2018 @ 9:50am

 The children took part in the Bebras coding competition at Eaton Bank, hosted by Mark Mills. They were challenged to solve different coding problems within limited time. The children were amazing and demonstrated a great ability to work together and independently under pressure.

Year 2 are introduced to the 'Icebird' during science, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 26th Oct 2018 @ 2:29pm

The children from year 2 were introduced to the Icebird. The Icebird is a bird who lays ice eggs, the children were tasked with the job of looking after the eggs and trying to keep them frozen over night without the use of the freezer, only using different materials to attempt to keep them cool. They then observed which materials kept them frozen the longest. 

Reception investigate pumpkins, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 25th Oct 2018 @ 3:38pm

The reception had a messy time investigating pumpkins with their senses. They described the way they smelt, felt and looked.

NSPCC Pants are Private, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 24th Oct 2018 @ 11:22am

The children from reception and KS1 all participated in the NSPCC's Pants are Private assembly.

Year 6 create their own recipe , by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 23rd Oct 2018 @ 3:40pm

Year 6 reviewed different recipes choosing their favourite and adapting it to suit their style. They weighed all the ingredients out and made some really yummy chocolate/coffee brownies for us all to enjoy.

Year 5 enjoy creating Diwali lamps, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 22nd Oct 2018 @ 3:13pm

The children have been learing all about different religious ceremonies and as part of this they decided that they would like to create Diwali lamps. They were amazing and really enjoyed working alongside our volunteers who came to help.

Year 6 Chemistry with cabbage, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 23rd Oct 2018 @ 10:48am

Year 6 really enjoyed chemistry with cabbage, take a look at a few of their highlights.

Reception Big Cook Little Cook, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 19th Oct 2018 @ 2:47pm

Master chef and The Great British Bake Off watch out for the reception children. The children collected apples from our school orchard; they peeled and chopped them. Added them to a pan with suger and water and stewed them. They mixed the ingrediants together to create the crumble and added them together to bake in the oven. It certainly passed their taste test.

Year 4 learn about the Red Eye Tree Frog, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 19th Oct 2018 @ 10:15am

Year 4 have been really busy during their rainforest topic learning so many different facts. They particularly enjoyed learning about the Red Eyed Tree frog. They discovered where the frogs originate from and how they defend themselves and tehy created amazing art work too.

Science club Fun, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 18th Oct 2018 @ 9:18am

The children have been having great fun during science club. They have learnt all about chromatography, learnt how to light bunsen burners and saw what happens when we burn copper and magnesium.

School Safety Council out and about, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 18th Oct 2018 @ 9:14am

This morning our safety council was out and about on the local roads around school. They were observing road users and encouraging safety awareness and considerate driving. Thank you for your time, what great council members you are.

Using Algorithm , by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 17th Oct 2018 @ 12:46pm

The children in year 5 used algorithm to create their own origami bunny or crane during their IT lesson.

Year 4 Scientists, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 17th Oct 2018 @ 12:15pm

Some of our year 4 children had the opportunity to attend a science session led by Astrazeneca. They were amazed! The children made balloons inflate using an acid and a base (ascetic acid (vinegar) and baking powder)

They made sherbet out of icing sugar, baking powder and citric acid. They also explored mixing oil and water, leading to making a lava lamp.

Year 1 enjoy a trip to Stafford Castle, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 16th Oct 2018 @ 1:58pm

Year 1 had a great time looking at Stafford Castle as part of their castle topic work. They tried on outfits fit for kings and queens, used weapons and learnt all about how the people could protect themselves if they were ever faced with an invasion.

Winter Plant up. We're a Green flag school, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 15th Oct 2018 @ 10:06am

A big thank you and well done to all the children who were involved in the Congleton in Bloom winter plant up. The tubs will be in and around Congleton this autumn and winter. Thank you to Miss Hughes for organising this and taking the children.

Shadows in Year 3, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 11th Oct 2018 @ 3:46pm

Year 3 have been busily studying light and the effect that it has on shadows. They have looked at the position of a light sauce and how this affects the size of the shadows. They leanrt that early in the morning shadows were bigger.

Year 2 Fire of London, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 11th Oct 2018 @ 12:55pm

The year 2 children have been learning all about the great fire of London. They learnt where the fire originated from; studied Samuel Pepys; sketched portraits of Samuel Pepys; wrote their own diary extracts; tasted the bakers breads, describing the different aspects of bread and created bar charts by plotting their own and their peers bread preferences. 

Safety Council, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 12th Oct 2018 @ 9:41am

The children have been nominated to undertake the very important role of safety council members. As part of their role they will monitor road safety around the school area; liaise with our school safe guarding lead and assist with the development of safeguarding plans.

Year 6 digestive system and bodily functions, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 9th Oct 2018 @ 12:18pm

The digestive system has kept the year 6 children busy; learning all about different animals digestion which they then created presentations to deliver their knowledge to their peers. They have also enjoyed learning all about the vessels, lung capacity and role that the heart plays. 

Estimating fun in Year 5., by Miss Young

Date: 9th Oct 2018 @ 10:21am

The children have been using their estimating skills this morning to find a rough answer to some addition calculations. They have learnt when it would be appropriate to use estimating eg: in the super market. They have also been introduced to the ‘approximately equal to’ symbol and have been using it in their practical maths lesson today.

Reception learn all about Autumn, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 9th Oct 2018 @ 11:14am

What a busy time we are having here in our reception classes. We have incorporated everything Autumn in to our learning. Including Autumn walks; leafy maths; conker counting; autumnal art and sticky letters.

Year 4 Rainforest Topic, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 5th Oct 2018 @ 3:13pm

Year 4 have really enjoyed the topic of the rainforest. The have created all sorts of different animals, learnt about the different layers and the impact of sourcing palm oil. They even got to experience the practical handling of different animal that can be found in the rainforest.

Mossley C.E Primary School

Boundary Lane, Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 3JA

Mrs B Hawtin or Mrs L Knibbs

Tel: 01260 272451Email: office@mossleyce.cheshire.sch.uk

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