Snow Day Activities 6th January
Hi all,
Please see the files for some activities that can be done over the day today. We have also set some grammar and maths activities on Purple mash.
These activities do not need to be handed in, however, if you would like to share the work with us feel free to send over anything on Class Dojo.
Enjoy your day in the snow!
Mr Johnson and Miss Munro.
Files to Download
Antarctica Stage 2 comp - Comprehension Pack.pdf Animals of Antarctica Stage 2 comp - Comprehension Pack.pdf 3. Answers Add two 2digit numbers (across a 10).pdf 2. Answer sheet Subtract two 2digit numbers (not across a 10).pdf 1. Answer sheet Add two 2digit numbers (not across a 10).pdf 4. Answers Subtract two 2digit numbers (across a 10).pdf 1. Add two 2 digit numbers not across a 10.pdf 2. Subtract two 2 digit numbers not across a 10.pdf 3. Add two 2 digit numbers across a 10.pdf 4. Subtract two 2 digit numbers across a 10.pdf