"They shall have life, life in all its fullness." (John 10:10)

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Mossley win primary schools swim gala, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 19th Mar 2018 @ 2:00pm

What an awesome performace by the Mossley swimmers. They were overall girls champions, overall boys champions and whole competition winners.


Strictly Come Dancing (ballroom medalist) , by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 14th Mar 2018 @ 10:59am

Gracie-Mae, Harriet Chadwick and Robin Calveley all received awards for their ballroom dancing on Saturday. They performed many dances including the cha cha with their partners.  They really enjoy dancing as it is a way to meet new friends and keep fit.

Chloe Blench Trampolining , by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 13th Mar 2018 @ 9:04am

Chloe competed this weekend in Trampolining at the NDP Regional Team qualifier finals, and came 3rd over all in her NDP Level 2, age 11-12 category!!! This is a massive achievement, as this stands her 3rd best in the entire West Midlands region. We are so impressed!  


Chloe & Millie win the gymnastics competition, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 5th Mar 2018 @ 10:49am

We would like to share an amazing achievement for Chloe and Millie this weekend as they have between them received three gold medals in a gymnastics competition.

Both girls competed in a piece on vault and a floor routine in different groups, where Chloe came first in her floor routine and Millie came first in both events. Well done girls!

Year 5&6 Football Team win, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 26th Jan 2018 @ 11:20am

Amazing result for the boys who took part in the recent football competition. They won of of their games and are now through to the next round. Fantastic!

Year 3&4 Cross Country at Eaton Bank, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 26th Jan 2018 @ 11:18am

The children were awesome in their cross country competition. We had many personal best results and came overall 1st out of all primary schools in the town. Well done to all of the children what a fantastic team effort we atre really proud of you all.


The results are in for the swimming gala children, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 11th Dec 2017 @ 12:51pm

The children who took part in a recent local swimming gala attended an awards ceremony. They were presented their winning trophies by James Goddard (local olympic swimming champion) They all did amazingly, many gaining medals and trophies for their age group, along with receiving coaches awards. What a talented group of swimmers we have here at Mossley!

Reuben receives Scout award, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 4th Dec 2017 @ 11:55am

Reuben Bacon achieved his Chief Scout’s Bronze Award at a presentation on Friday 1st December which is the top award for Beaver Scouts. Well done!

Katie Eardley swims through the levels, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 27th Nov 2017 @ 11:58am

Katie has achieved an outstanding achievement outside of School. She has passed 4 swimming classes in 6 months and has now completed all standard levels from 1-8 and moving on to bronze. Well done Katie!

Chloe Blench Trampolining squad member, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 23rd Nov 2017 @ 2:34pm

Chloe competes at West Midlands regional level She works so hard and is incredibly passionate about her Trampolining sport. She’s very dedicated and trains as a competitive squad member 3 times a week, putting in over 8+ hours of coaching time at Stoke Elite Trampolining Club in Trentham, Stoke-On-Trent. 
She has competitions coming up which we wish her all the best in. Keep up the hard work!

Chloe Butler Year 2 takes part in a sponsored cart-wheel , by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 23rd Nov 2017 @ 11:23am

Chloe is an intermediate gymnast at her club in Sandbach and has taken part in a sponsored cart-wheel event to raise money for new equipment.

Chloe managed completed 28 cartwheels in one minute which is a fantastic achievement.

Harriet Chadwick is awarded bronze in the PUMA British Tae Kwon-Do championships, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 22nd Nov 2017 @ 3:23pm

Harriet is working very hard in her Tae Kwon-Do practice. Well done for the dedication.

Children compete in a local swimming gala, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 15th Nov 2017 @ 2:04pm

The children all did amazing whilst recently taking part in a local swimming gala. Many achieved personal bests whilst others took part for the first time. All, tried their hardest and did themselves proud. Well done!!!


Ethan Thomason swims 1 mile, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 9th Nov 2017 @ 2:51pm

Ethan has been improving his swimming and this week he managed to swim 1 mile without any breaks. Well Done! what a fantastic achievement.

Josh Johnson Year 6 Brave the shave, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 4th Oct 2017 @ 8:42am

Josh wanted to do something to help others, he came up with the idea of Brave the Shave and managed to raise a massive £280 for cancer research. Well done Josh!

Year 5&6 Football Team win, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 3rd Oct 2017 @ 10:02am

The boys played really well together and worked hard as a team to achieve a win in the round 1 football league. They looked promising for a strong performance this season.

Year 4 research other cultures, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 27th Sep 2017 @ 2:51pm

Year 4 had fun FaceTiming Cananda. They were able to ask lots of interesting questions and had a bit of a giggle.

Faye Nicholas Norbury wins runner up prize in art exhibition, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 27th Sep 2017 @ 11:49am

All of the schools in Congleton entered pieces of work into the art exhibition. Faye received the runners up prize for the year 2 children. Well done Faye what talent!



Harriet Chadwick is awarded Merit in her Tae Kwon Do exam, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 15th Sep 2017 @ 2:27pm

Well Done Harriet, such a good achievement

Ruby Downing is awarded Merit in her Tae Kwon Do exam, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 15th Sep 2017 @ 1:03pm

Well done Ruby who worked really hard on her grading. Such a great achievement.

Head Boy/Girl and their deputies are appointed, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 14th Sep 2017 @ 2:33pm

Congratulations to our newly appointed Head boy Jake Porter, Head girl Chloe Blench and their deputies Ella King and James Simpson. Good luck in your term of office.

Harry and Tiana climb Snowden, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 11th Sep 2017 @ 10:55am

Harry and Tiana Wisener's wow!!

On the 22/8/17 Harry and Tiana climbed Snowdon. Although they found it tough they carried on to the top and down the other side in 6 and a half hours carrying their own rucksacks and supplies. What an achievement!


Edie's grandad wins a gold medal in the olympics, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 28th Jun 2017 @ 2:00pm

We were thrilled to hear about Edie's granddad winning gold in the olympics. We got to see the medal and photos from the event.

Lawson & Max Year 2 win football awards, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 21st Jun 2017 @ 11:17am

The boys have been playing football for the season with the Vale Club junior team. The team have had a really success season winning the majority of their games. They have really developed as players and team mates. They were awarded Supporters player of the season and players player of the season. They are very proud of their achievements as we are too.

Jem Maddocks Year 1 overcomes swimming fear, by Mrs Knibbs

Date: 15th May 2017 @ 3:05pm

After weeks of struggling to get in to the water, Jem finally got into the water and swam beautifully. A great demonstration of achieve, succeed, believe.

Mossley C.E Primary School

Boundary Lane, Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 3JA

Mrs B Hawtin or Mrs L Knibbs

Tel: 01260 272451Email: office@mossleyce.cheshire.sch.uk

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