"They shall have life, life in all its fullness." (John 10:10)

Our Gallery

Posting Letters to Santa, by Miss Holland

Date: 27th Nov 2015 @ 9:16am

Ho, Ho, Ho what a jolly afternoon walk we had yesterday to the local postbox to post our wonderfully written letters to Santa!  We are all very proud of the super writing we have achieved this week and watched carefully as they were all placed into an envelope ready to post.  Miss Holland and Mrs Marlow wrote the special address on the front of the envelope and even found a Santa stamp laugh

We all had a road safety talk before we left and wore our brightly coloured vests so we were seen yes  It was great timing as we bumped into the Postman and Postlady while they were delivering letters to people's houses.  We even got to have a look inside their van to see the sacks of letters!!

Once we got to the postbox we read the information and noticed that the postbox was to be emptied at 5:15 that evening and then all the post inside would be taken to the local sorting office ready for the postmen to deliver.  We all wondered how long it would take before Santa receives ours!!wink

Keep watching this space for news.....................

Reception Class photo for the newspaper, by Miss Holland

Date: 19th Nov 2015 @ 4:59pm

We were all looking dashing for our Reception Class photo today for the newpaper!

Miss Holland was very proud, what a fabulous looking class angel

Don't forget to look out for us this coming week!

Children In Need 2015, by Miss Holland

Date: 17th Nov 2015 @ 4:18pm

Children In Need 2015

 What a fantastic day we have had, all dressed up as ‘Superheroes’ or ‘spotty Pudsey Bears’!!  All the children looked fantastic…….thank you for the huge effort from all the parents smiley

We had great fun designing our superhero masks, finger painting spots onto Pudsey and discussing what super powers we would have if we were a superhero, what we would wear and what our name would be!!

Playtime was a delight today as we all had a scrummy cake to eat as well as our snack.


Thank you so very much for all your generous donations, Keep an eye on the website to see the final total raised!

Harvest Festival, by Mrs Grice

Date: 22nd Oct 2015 @ 11:51am

Thank you for your generosity. 

Scary Lunch, by Mrs Grice

Date: 22nd Oct 2015 @ 11:49am

On Thursday 22nd October, Year 6 had a scary day and a Scary lunch was open to the whole school. 

Year 6 children and staff dressed up and looked fabulous. 

Harvest Festival, by Miss Holland

Date: 8th Oct 2015 @ 11:22am

We had an excellent 'Harvest Festival' at Mossley church this morning with Reverend Taylor leading the service.  We all walked safely along the roads and listened to the bell ringing as we entered the beautiful church.  It was rewarding to see the huge collection of harvest donations that we carried down to the church and placed with all the rest of the donations from school.  A huge 'thank you' to all our parents for your generous contributions.  Reverend Taylor explained that all our food will be sent to 'The Storehouse' in the New Life church at Congleton and distributed out to many of those in need.

We then sang our special 'My Little Seed' song to Year 1, who sang their 'Harvest Poem' back to us, well done to everyone for a great celebration.

Happy Harvest everyone!

'No Pens' Wednesday!, by Miss Holland

Date: 7th Oct 2015 @ 5:42pm

This Wednesday we had a "No Pens Day Wednesday" where all children and staff were forbidden to use pens of any sorts - pencils, crayons, chalks etc.

The thinking behind this day is to encourage speaking and listening and we were very impressed with all the lovely things the children had to say and how well they listened.

We began our morning by a show and tell of any "My world" books that children had done work in and the children were encouraged to ask questions.

We then had a fun game with a dice full of phonemes, we rolled the dice to each other and had to think of an object or word that began with the sound displayed.  It was very successful and we practised the names of the letters as well as the sounds they represent.

Also in the morning we got make our very own bread roll with Mrs Hayes as we have been looking at the story of 'The Little Red Hen' this week. Once they were baked we left them to cool and re-enacted the story with our masks and excellent character voices :-)  We had a go at retelling the story using story language and all did really well showing just how good our listening and speaking skills are.  Most of us also managed to have time to show off our cutting skills as we cut out difficult shapes to order the story pictures.

Our favourite game was the 'Guess what's in my bag?' or 'What is on my headband?' where we had to think very carefully which questions to ask to find out the mystery object and use our describing words effectively to give enough clues for our friends to guess correctly!

We all really enjoyed our "No pens day" and we hope you all heard lots about it.

The Reception Team

Head Boy & Head Girl, by Mrs Grice

Date: 30th Sep 2015 @ 2:05pm

Todays assembly was a little different, nominations for our first ever Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl took place. 

The candidates all performed well and the whole school voted for their favourite.

Head Boy             - Adam               Head Girl            - Helena 

Deputy Head Boy - Morgan           Deputy Head Girl   - Madison


Whole School First Aid, by Mrs Grice

Date: 28th Sep 2015 @ 8:35am

All last week the whole school took part in First Aid Training. This was delivered by St Johns Ambulance and the children learned so much and thoroughly enjoyed it.

A parent session was held on Friday afternoon and the feedback was very positive.

Thank you to Mrs Sandra Hassall who put the school forward for the competition.

Meet the Beasts!, by Miss Young

Date: 17th Sep 2015 @ 4:21pm

Well... what a fantastic day we have had today!

This morning, many of us overcame our fears and met some real live beasts, only to find that they really weren't that beastly! We held cockroaches and geckos, we stroked scorpians, we got up, close and personal with a tarantula and some of us even held a snake!!!

We learnt lots of incredible and interesting information and were able to ask questions about these amazing creatures. 

Pictures will be up very soon!


Reading together, by Mr Johnson

Date: 7th May 2014 @ 9:46pm

Mossley C.E Primary School

Boundary Lane, Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 3JA

Mrs B Hawtin or Mrs L Knibbs

Tel: 01260 272451Email: office@mossleyce.cheshire.sch.uk

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